

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Reflections of Summer

Its finally September and the end of the very long Summer of 2013.

This summer was packed full of tons of work but we got through it!  Jon is at the last leg of his thesis, he landed his dream job and he is working hard as ever trying to get to the light at the end of the tunnel... I on the other hand have just tried to be as supportive as I can be.

This year has been rough for me, with the lack of jobs in this small little hippie town and time working against me, since we've known we were moving this winter for over a year now.. I have been super, for lack of better words...bored.

I am SO ready to move to the DC area where there is a plethora of jobs just waiting for me to take! I'm ready to make friends that stay in one place. And I'm ready to live in a bigger city with copious amounts of activities!

I'm sure one day I will look back at this time of my life and wish I could go back to doing a whole lot of nothing..but right now I just want to be super busy and productive!

Oh and I'm super excited about sweaters and boots!! Bring on the fall!!

Some of our favorite moments this summer.  Jon's job interview, fireworks, I got bangs, and Paper publication!

Monday, September 2, 2013

A quick introduction...

Hi internet!

I just wanted to introduce myself and my not-so-new blog.  That's right, not so new... I'm moving here from WordPress because it just feels more comfy here :).

Any-hoo.  My name is Tiffany and I am 24 years old.  I am a super big nerd, I have many different fandoms that I am a part of, I play a ridiculous amount of video games, and I LOVE Dungeons and Dragons. I am going back to school to become a teacher (super big career change) and I am lucky enough to have found my other half, Jon.  He is in the last couple of months of his PhD in Biophysics and he landed an AWESOME job studying the brain at HHMI: Janelia Farm in Virginia (which we will be moving to soon.). We have a group of awesome friends spread all over the U.S. but we keep in touch through gaming and we meet up for a D&D Campaign every year. 

This blog is just to share all the nerdy things we do.  Including  my escapades in cooking and baking and DIY projects!  I won't lie though... most everything will have a nerdy touch to it.

I'm hoping to capture some of our fun moments and make some nerdy friends:)